Giving a gift should not only be a kind gesture, but it should be something that builds relationships, endures goodwill and says “you are special”. A well thought out gift is long remembered after the gift is opened. We recently provided a custom gift for the band Green Day. The first question we asked our client was “What kind of gift would make the band feel special and important”? We also asked “What do you want the gift to say when received? We sometimes forget that a gift is a powerful communications tool. When coming up with a gift for Green Day, all aspects of the band had to be considered in order to provide a gift that would suit the occasion, but most importantly the personalities of the band members.
When should a custom gift be commissioned? My answer is when the event or occasion is too important not to have the gift aligned with your message and the recipient’s interests. Perfect example of a commissioned gift is when the CEO of Bell Microproducts presented a gift to Prince Edward when the Prince visited Bell’s corporate office in Silicon Valley. The gift, a redwood hand-turned vessel, was a reminder of the indigent redwood trees of Northern California. Wood suggests integrity, wisdom and longevity … all attributes shared in the relationship between both men. Please visit our CASE STUDIES for more examples of custom gifts that make a difference.
When there is a need for a gift, it is most important to go beyond the gift as just an object and to focus on its meaning and understand, i.e. the intrinsic value of the gift giving. The more personal the gift, the more lasting power it has on the recipient.
I like to say we are in the relationship business, not gift business. A gift, when properly done, should make its recipients feel good, appreciated and flattered. A moment should always be taken to think about the person(s) to whom you plan to give a gift. Always give something of exquisite quality that is presented beautifully.
For gifts for your employees, sales recognition or that one special gift, please contact us for ideas and how to create a gift with meaning.

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