I thought to take a step back and look into the history behind this day where mothers all over the world gleam with delight. It happens to be the second highest retail grossing day outside of Christmas and one of restaurant’s most busiest days. Here is what I found:
- Ancient Greeks celebrated a holiday in honor of Rhea, the mother of the gods
- Ancient Romans celebrated a holiday in honor of Cybele, a mother goddess. The celebrations were notorious enough that followers of Cybele were banished from Rome
- In the British Isles and Celtic Europe, the goddess Brigid, and later her successor St. Brigid, were honored with a spring Mother's Day, connected with the first milk of the ewes.
In addition to the popular Mother's Day holiday in the United States, many cultures celebrate a Mother's Day:
- Mother's Day in Britain -- or Mothering Sunday -- is the fourth Sunday in Lent
- The second Sunday in May is Mother's Day not only in the United States, but also in other countries including Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia and Belgium.
- In Spain, Mother's Day is December 8, on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, so that not only mothers in one's family are honored, but also Mary, mother of Jesus.
- In France, Mother's Day is on the last Sunday of May. A special cake resembling a bouquet of flowers is presented to mothers at a family dinner.
Taking a step forward and taking the commercialism out of the day, it is a day honoring moms. Today, a mom is a super multi-tasker, balancing everything in all aspects of life while maintaining sanity!
Celebrate those Moms that are special to you with this metaphoric Lily vase, symbolizing happiness, “sainthood”, prosperity and perfection. If you are a little lost for words, ask us for help when writing your sentiments.
Click HERE to purchase Lily vase for a special mother